Wecome To RVs and OHVs

This blog is all about RVs (recreational vehicles) and OHVs (Off Highway Vehicles), camping, sailing, and survival
and how they work together to provide wholesome family fun and great learning opportunities.
Many posts are intended to familiarize novice campers and RVers with RV systems and basic camping and survival
skills. But even experienced RVers and campers will enjoy the anecdotes and may even benefit from a new
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Saturday, September 5, 2015

Spring Camping

Spring camping is almost a no-brainer:  we are usually very anxious to get out again after a winter in hibernation.  However, there are a few things that make spring camping different from the more frequent summer outings.  First off, don't let the cabin fever you've built up being shut in all winter stir you to jump too quickly into action.  Although we are all anxious to get out again, taking time to make sure both you and your equipment are properly prepared for that first spring outing will pay long term dividends in comfort and safety.

Spring is an ideal time for many camping and other outdoor recreational activities.  After a winter off, most of us are beginning to experience the affects of cabin fever and need to get out.  The weather is usually mild, not too hot, not too cold.  Trails are usually in fairly good condition, unless you head out so early they haven't been cleared of winter windfalls or dried out enough to be usable.  You will want to check on trail status before leaving home.  Sometimes trails will be closed for a while due to blockages, snow, or mud.  Hiking trails are usually less affected than OHV trails.  Going around a closed sign on your OHV is a real no-no!  You are very likely to do permanent damage to the trail and that may result in serious damage to your machine, serious injures, and perhaps a permanent closure of the trail.  Trespassing onto a closed trail you may find yourself and your vehicle in difficult or dangerous situations that can easily result in serious damage and/or injuries.  Just because the trail looks OK as far as you can see from the gate/trailhead, doesn't mean it is OK further along.  It will be well worth the wait to ride when the trail has been officially opened.  You might contact the local ranger station and volunteer to help with trail work so more trails can be opened sooner.  Trail work might include clearing fallen trees, erosion control, and repairing bridges and washouts.  It might also include checking and adding or repairing signage or sometimes even re-routing trails where major damage may have occurred during the winter.

Chances are your spring trip will be the first time you have used your RV or OHV or boat in some time.  You will want to make sure both you and your equipment are prepared and take a little extra time to warm up.  Engines and drive trains that have been idle over the winter need time for lubricants to circulate before putting any significant stress on them.  Drivers often need to refresh their memories of what it like to drive an RV, OHV or boat after months behind the wheel of a daily driver.  Take it easy until you and your vehicle have "shaken off the cobwebs".

Spring is the perfect time for a shakedown cruise to check out new vehicles and equipment.  You will likely have days that are warm enough to test air conditioner in your RV or other transport and nights that are comfortably cool enough for campfires and to verify operation of furnaces and heaters.

Spring often gives you an opportunity to enjoy wildflower displays in many locations.  We even found some glorious wildflowers blooming in the Mojave Desert during some spring outings there in areas usually thought to be quite barren.  It might be worth doing a little online research to identify areas and timing for opportunities in or near places you normally visit.

Spring camping is a perfect cure for the cabin fever that we often experience during the winter.  Get out and get going.  Get some fresh air.  Exercise both your equipment and your body.  In many places spring avoids some of the air pollution that plagues places during the summer months when air tends to stagnate.  Occasional spring showers contribute to an awesome environment for camping and outdoor activities.  You might want bring along some rain gear and indoor rainy day activities.

Spring has definite advantages for OHV riders.  First of all, the temperatures are usually mild so it isn't too hot for riding, making riding more pleasant for you and less stress on your machine.   In many cases the ground may still be little damp, minimizing dust and maximizing traction.  Some areas may still be green!  I have seen trails we rode in November completely overgrown by April.  Spring runoff might even create temporary water crossings, so be sure you know how to handle them safely and without damaging you, your machine, or the environment.

Spring is a great time for a shake down cruise to make sure you and all of your gear and equipment are in optimum condition for another season of activity.  Try to try out all your equipment so you can discover any needed repairs or replacements and get them done in time to let you enjoy a full camping season. 

Spring into action!

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