Wecome To RVs and OHVs

This blog is all about RVs (recreational vehicles) and OHVs (Off Highway Vehicles), camping, sailing, and survival
and how they work together to provide wholesome family fun and great learning opportunities.
Many posts are intended to familiarize novice campers and RVers with RV systems and basic camping and survival
skills. But even experienced RVers and campers will enjoy the anecdotes and may even benefit from a new
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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Basic Tent Camping

You don't need a lot to begin basic camping in a tent.  In fact, you don't even need a real tent!   You can make do with a tarp or an inexpensive tube tent.  Or you can just sleep in your car or even out under the stars. You can forgo the tent if you opt for a "cowboy bedroll".  You will need some bedding.  A sleeping bag is best, but some warm blankets and a light tarp may be sufficient in moderate weather.  You'll need a way to cook your meals.  You might get by with just a frying pan and a pot that you can use over a campfire.  A camp stove gives you more control and more options. During fire restrictions in many areas you won't be allowed to have an open fire.  You'll need some matches or a lighter to start your fire or light your stove.  You'll also find it more convenient after dark if you have a lantern or at least a flashlight so you can see what you're doing.

Choose a destination.  For your first night or two you might want to set up your tent in your own backyard until you are familiar with setting it up and comfortable sleeping in it.   Then venture a little further from home.   Get a spot in a local campground where you'll have access to water and toilets and probably have a picnic table and an approved fire pit where you can build a campfire.  Eventually you may be comfortable going out to more remote and primitive campsites where you can get the full primitive camping experience.

See my previous post Pre-trip Procedures for details on getting ready.  Preparation is the key to a fun and successful outing.  As the old saying goes, failing to plan is planning to fail.

You will most likely need an ice chest to keep perishable foods cold.   To start with you can get by with an inexpensive Styrofoam chest but if you intend to go camping often you'll want a sturdier plastic or metal ice chest.  Some of the better ice chests are rated to keep ice frozen for 5 days in 90° F temperatures.  A simple foam chest won't match that performance but should be adequate for at least an over nighter and maybe even for a weekend.  If you only bring MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) or dehydrated backpacking food or canned foods you won't really need an ice chest, but you WILL need it if you bring persishable items like meats and dairy items and you might want it to keep some drinks cool in hot weather.  If you're camping in bear country, a foam cooler offers NO protection from hungry bears.  Even metal coolers are vulnerable.  It is best to keep your cooler in your vehicle whenever possible.  If you're planning to have a campfire, load your firewood or plan to buy some at the camp store.  There are very few places where campers can collect firewood on site these days. Don't forget routine cleaning supplies, like soap, tooth paste, and dish soap.  If you take an prescription medications, make sure you bring an ample supply with you.  Some OTC pain relievers may also come in handy since you're likely to be involved in unfamiliar physical activities that may cause unusual aches and pains.  Even just sleeping on the ground can introduce pains you've never met before.  The firmest mattress is a lot softer and forgiving than even the most comfortable sleeping pads.

Once you've arrived at your destination, survey your campsite and select a location to set up your tent.  It should be level and relatively free of debris.  Determine the direction of prevailing winds if you can then try to set it up so it is upwind of your fire pit -- and any toilets or latrines.  Also try to face  the door out of prevailing winds.  Erect your tent according to manufacturer's instructions. And listen, guys. Reading the instructions doesn't make you any less macho, it just shows that you are smart -- and you will usually save a lot of time, frustration, and embarrassment.   If you're worried someone seeing you actually reading instructions might diminish your macho image, read them before hand and commit them to memory.   But, believe me, being caught reading instructions will be a lot less embarrassing than the fiasco you may encounter trying to set up camp in ignorance!  It is always a good idea to put a ground cloth down to set your tent on.  Once your tent is set up, roll out your sleeping pads and sleeping bags.  Not only will they then be ready when you're ready to hit the sack, they will have a chance to overcome having been tightly rolled.  Mats will lie flatter and sleeping bags will regain some of the "loft" squeezed out them while rolled, which is critical to staying warm and comfortable.

After setting up your tent, organize your camp kitchen.   Take advantage of available picnic tables if there are any.   Place your kitchen fairly close to your campfire, especially if you're going to be cooking on your campfire.   Have your water supply handy.  Stack your firewood a safe but convenient distance from your fire pit.  Prepare your campfire before it gets dark so all you have to do when its campfire time is to light your fire.

Pre-plan some campfire activities.   Some typical things people enjoy are singing and story telling.  Simple games like Charades are also fun.  Avoid complicated games that require a lot of setup or intricate equipment.  Playing cards or board games works best if the participants are seated around a table, not around a campfire.  And make sure you have adequate lighting for table games.  Avoid card games or other activities involving small, light weight objects if there is any breeze to contend with, unless you want to spend most of your time chasing the wind-blown items.

Most important of all: Enjoy your outing!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Camping is for ALL Ages

Are you ever too young or too old for camping?  The simple answer is "NO".  Of course there could be age-related health considerations that may alter your camping plans, but age alone should not be a deterrent.  Our kids started camping with us as newborns and now that my wife and I are both semi-retired we're still active campers, in our RV, truck camper, and in tents.   My grandmother traveled extensively in an RV with my Mom and Dad for many years when she was in her 70s and 80s.  I have an associate in the Utah Trail Machine Association who is in his late 70s and is still organizing and leading 2 week-long off-road rides a year in Mexico.   My grandmother enjoyed riding off road on the back of my enduro bike when she was 75.   I plan to still be riding when I reach 75 in the not-too-distant future.   After that I may shoot for a good trail ride for my 100th birthday!   I recently logged more than 50 miles on the trail on my 70th birthday.  I believe firmly in the saying "You don't stop riding because you get old. You get old because you stop riding."  That would apply to all forms of camping too.  My grandfather always said 'A man will rust out quicker than he'll wear out" and I firmly believe that is true.  I, for one, would rather wear out than rust out.  I've seen it happen over and over.  Those who retire from life when they retire from their full time jobs end up pushing up daisies much quicker than those who remain active.  While it may be argued that some people are able to remain active because they are good health, it can also be argued that staying active helps keep them in good health.

The age of people in your group may require you to make some special accommodations, but age doesn't rule out camping or RVing.  If you have young babies or elderly you may have to adjust your schedule sometimes to meet their peculiar needs.  You might need to adjust the temperature in your RV.  You may need to bring along special foods.  However, most of the changes you have to make will be no different than the adjustments you normally make at home.  As I recall (it has been some time now, all our kids are adults with families of their own), I think my wife sometimes retired early when we had babies on board.  I also recall her riding her dirt bike (carefully) around camp with a baby on her chest in "gerry carrier" sling and followed by several youngsters (ours and offspring of others in camp) on 50cc motorcycles.  I'm sure there are those who would be aghast at carrying a baby on a dirt bike, but she was and is a very capable and experienced rider and took no unusual risks.  The little ones were at least as safe as they would have been had she been wearing them in a similar manner grocery shopping, perhaps safer given how reckless some shoppers are with their shopping carts!  The closeness and bonding of having all of our children involved in all of our activities right from their beginnings is priceless and has helped create connections between siblings that endure to this day.  We have a blended family.  I had two sons from a previous marriage when my wife and were married.  Our youngest son eagerly volunteered to make a 2800 mile round trip from California to Texas when his older half-brother needed help.  None of our 6 kids have ever made any distinction between full and half siblings.  Our camping and dirt bike activities were a big part of building cohesive and enduring family relationships.  I recently also learned that dirt biking was a key factor in some of our kids avoiding recreational drugs.  The high from riding was so much better than any chemically induced state of mind.

I recently read that famous Supercross champion James "Bubba" Stewart's first dirt bike experience took place on his dad's lap when he was less than 48 hours old!  No wonder he went on to be a champion!

Let everyone participate in routine camp chores at whatever level they can.  Obviously babies are excluded from manual labor, but toddlers can share in a multitude of camp chores.   While babies may not be able to perform independent tasks having them together with the family during routine chores helps build relationships and keeps them from being or feeling excluded.  And they begin learning by observation.  My elderly grandmother was always included in preparing meals, something she had done all her life, was very good at, and loved to do.   Excluding her would have been cruel and unusual punishment as well as a big loss for the rest of us.   Everyone needs to feel useful. Don't just hand out trivial "make work" tasks.  Give each person something meaningful to do that is tailored to their capabilities.  There are always lots of things that need to be done while camping.  Sharing chores can make life easier for everyone and will help each individual feel productive and part of what is going on.  If a toddler only brings one small stick of wood to the campfire or picks up one piece of trash, it is actually is helpful and they will feel like they've done something useful.  Older campers with physical limitations are wonderful sources of campfire stories and make excellent consultants for tasks around camp.  My Grandmother's wisdom and humor were always a significant and enjoyable part of any outing.  Just because physical limitations may prevent them from actually performing tasks doesn't mean they can't be an extremely valuable source of information and direction.

Camping is ageless!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Bandanas For Camping and Boating

Bandannas are very useful for a variety of outdoor activities.  They are inexpensive, light weight, and versatile.  Bandanas can be useful for camping, hiking, boating fishing, hunting, horseback riding and riding OHVs, bicycles, and jet skis.  You can get them in almost any color to match or complement your wardrobe or riding gear.  There are special printed versions, shown a few paragraphs below, with first aid and survival instructions on them.  Here is a web page dedicated to Uses for Bandanas.   Be sure to scroll down far enough to see entire the list of more than 50 uses for bandanas.  Most common uses include tying them around your neck to protect your neck from sunburn and, when saturated with water, to aid in cooling your body and tying them around your head as a "do rag" to control your hair and keep sweat from dripping into your eyes.  They are also really handy for bandages and slings.

                                                     The Better Bandana with embedded nanofiber filter by INEX Gear | Embedded Nanofiber Filter | Antimicrobial Treatment| Washable + Reusable Black

A typical bandana is about 18" square.  In use it is usually folded diagonally to make a triangle. The triangle can be tied around your head as a head scarf or around your face bandit style to protect your nose and mouth from cold, snow, or dust.  These days it can even be used as a required COVID-19 facial covering.  You can tie the ends of the triangle together behind a victim's neck to make a sling.  You can wrap the bandana around body parts to hold a dressing in place over a wound.   You can roll the bandanna into a loose roll about 1 1/2" in diameter, wet it, and tie it around your neck in hot weather to protect your neck from sunburn and to cool you.  One of the reasons this works is it helps cool the blood as it passes close to the skin in the neck.  Most traditional bandanas have a kind of paisley pattern against the main background color but you can also find them in various camouflage colors and solid colors or with logos and other designs.  Another use for a rolled bandana is as a bandage to hold a dressing in place.  Remember, a dressing is the pad that covers a wound, a bandage is what holds it in place.  Band-aids are dressing and bandage all in one.

                                          American Made Terracotta Western Paisley Bandana - Single Piece 22x22               Paisley Cotton Bandana, Blue

Bandannas are not expensive.   They are typically around $1.00 each.  I've sometimes found them on sale 2 for $1.00.  This is one of the items I like to stock up on when I get the chance.  Even if you have enough for your own use, having some extras to loan to friends is kind of nice.  I like to have a choice of colors so I can coordinate my bandana with my riding gear or whatever casual clothes I happen to be wearing.   It can also be handy to color-coordinate different uses.   In proper use they can get dirty quite quickly, so having several to use during any given outing is a good idea.   They are light weight and don't take up a lot of room so they have little impact on space in your camping bins or your RV.  I like to keep a clean blue one for use with drinking water and other colors for headbands and other sweaty jobs.

Specialized bandanas, such a survival bandanas, first aid bananas, and knots bandanas are printed with pertinent information and will be more expensive than their generic counterparts.  They can act as a kind of manual to help you remember important skills and take up very little room in your pocket or pack.  They can, of course, be used for slings and bandages or signaling just as any other bandana.

                OEM Survival BandanaFirst Aid Bandana : The Hiker BoxKnots Bandana

Bandannas were adopted as gang colors by some urban gangs.   They wore them around their heads, tied around am arm or leg, or just hanging out of a pocket.  Wearing the wrong color in a neighborhood controlled by a rival gang could invite serious consequences.  Colors are usually not an issue in camping situations, but you might not want to wear red or blue, the colors of the "Bloods" and "Crips" gangs into a major city!  Wearing an opposing gang's colors when in the territory of a rival gang can trigger a violent and sometimes deadly reaction.

Some other uses of bandannas in a survival situation include water purification.  Hold a clean bandanna over a steaming pot of water until it is saturated, then wring it out to get safe drinking water.  It is a good idea to carry a specific bandanna for this purpose, one a different color than the one you wear.  Brightly colored bandannas can be used as a signal device to help rescuers locate lost parties.

Use a wet bandanna tied around your neck during hot weather to help keep you cool and to protect your neck from sunburn.  If you get lost or stranded in hot weather you might tie one or more to trees or bushes to give you a tiny little bit of shade..  One time you do not want to use a wet bandanna is if you are escaping from a fire!  The hot, moist air will sear your lungs.  

A clean bandanna can be used directly as a dressing on a wound or used as a bandage to secure a dressing or a splint or used as a sling to stabilize an injured arm.

When tying a bandanna as a head band, neck band.  or sling  you want to make sure the knot is secure but also want to be able to untie it when you need to remove it.  I usually use a square knot but don't pull it too tight.
Of course a bandanna can be used as a handkerchief to tame a runny nose or limit the spray from coughs an sneezes.   But you won't want to use it to dress a wound or filter your water after using it thusly without giving it a thorough washing first.  Another good reason to have -- and carry with you -- more than one.  Having several different colors makes it easy to keep track of which ones you are using for what purposes.

These days you can even use a bandanna as a face mask to meet government requirements for face coverings during the COVID-19 pandemic.  In the ''old days" bandits wore bandannas to hide their faces but during this COVID-19 situation they are acceptable, even required, for use by honest folks.

You might want to carry several bandannas of different colors.   They are inexpensive, light weight, take up little room, and are very versatile.  One source I read carries an orange one to use as an emergency signal and a blue one he uses only for filtering water.  Any other color might be used for a handkerchief, neck band, or head band.  Using this kind of logical color coding makes sense.  You might dedicate other colors for other uses so you don't end up filtering your water through one that has been used as a handkerchief or a sweat rag!

Tie one on!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Its Almost Winter Again!

My, how time flies!  So we must be having fun ("Time flies when you having fun").  Or as Kermit says "Time's fun when you're having flies."   Seems it was just the other day we were doing spring cleaning and getting ready for another camping season.  Now, it is mid September and as I look at the weather forecast, predicted overnight temperatures on the mountain where I am currently staying are rapidly approaching the freezing point.  We've even had a few snow flurries and the possibility of more snow in a day or so.  That means winterizing RVs or putting them in a heated garage to prevent freeze damage.   If you get a night or two of barely freezing temperatures with warmer days in between, full winterization may not be as critical as it is where you have sub-freezing temperatures (say 24° F or below) for days on end.  Then you MUST winterize your vehicle to prevent freeze damage.  Anything with water in it is subject to freeze damage.   That includes holding tanks, water lines, hoses, faucets, hot water heaters, water jugs, and even porta-pottys.  And make sure you remove any provisions that might freeze, like cans or bottles of soda, or you'll have a real mess next spring.  I try to make sure my RVs are winterized long before I get two or more nights at 24° F or below, as those temperatures are sure to start causing damage.

There are other posts on this blog and many excellent articles on other web sites that give detailed instructions on winterizing your RV so I won't repeat them here.  The point I want to make is it is time to start planning to winterize your rigs.   Remove provisions that could be damaged by freezing and properly protect all the water systems with appropriate antifreeze or by draining.   That means making sure engine coolant in motorhomes, generators, tow vehicles, and OHVs are properly protected with the right kind of antifreeze too.  Buy the RV antifreeze you need now before its all gone as "everyone" finally gets around to winterizing their boats and RVs.

What about "winterizing" yourself?  You probably need to drag out your warm winter clothes and snow boots and make sure they are in good condition to be used.  Hopefully you cleaned them and stored them properly, but they may still need to be aired out and you need to inspect them for insect or vermin infestations and damage.  If you live someplace with a true four-season environment you'll want to find or obtain thermal underwear and maybe some insulated socks.   Don't forget earmuffs or beanies to keep your ears from freezing.   A balaclava (face mask) is good to have to keep your face warm if you expect to be out in really cold weather or riding an OHV, snowmobile, or horse in cold weather.  Warm, water-resistant or water-proof gloves or mittens are essential for keeping your hands warm.  Some chemical heat pads like "Hot Hands" can help keep your fingers and toes and other body parts warm.   Mittens will keep your fingers warmer than gloves, but you sacrifice some dexterity.  One of my winter favorites is a "ushanka" -- a Russian ear hat, those furry hats with flaps that cover your ears, neck, and part of your cheeks.  I find them very good for winter and even for extra cool desert nights.

What about winter activities?   Weather will likely have a significant impact on the kinds of activities you choose for winter.  Depending on where you live and you might switch over to winter sports, like skiing, snowboarding, or snowmobiling.  Or you might just put your outdoor energy toward getting ready for next year.   Now is a good time to perform routine inspections and maintenance on your vehicles and your gear.   Even if the weather is bad outside you can work on your camping gear and OHVs inside.   If your garage isn't heated you might use your catalytic tent heater to take the chill off.   Just be sure you have adequate ventilation.  Go through your RV or camping gear.  Make sure everything you used last year got back where it belongs and is clean and in good shape for next season.   Check your supplies and replace used up, damaged, outdated or missing items.  Check your sources for camping gear to see what may be available at year end or end of season closeout prices to enhance next year's outings.  Close outs and clearances are a good time to stock up for next year.   You may be able to snag a good deal on some new gadget or piece of equipment you've been wanting or just stock up on expendables.  Be sure to check online resources like ebay and craigslist.   You might even find some stuff on Freecycle.com, a web site where people list things they want to get rid of.  You never know.  Someone may need to make room in their garage and have just the tent you're looking for and all you have to do is go pick it up!  Freecycle is an interesting way to recycle useful items.   You may find YOU have stuff you don't need anymore. Listing it on Freecycle.com may make it available to someone who can really use it and you don't have to hassle with setting prices or haggling with prospective buyers.   It sure beats throwing it in the trash!

Ready. Set. Snow!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Glamping is a made-up word for "glamour camping".  It might have appealed to my friend whose idea of roughing it was having to ring twice for room service.  Glamour camping can take place just about anywhere but commercially is most often offered by upscale hotels, even in places like Manhattan.   It combines the fun of sleeping in a tent, perhaps on a penthouse patio, with the comfort and convenience and service of a first rate hotel.  The closest I've come to glamping is staying in my 40' Class A motorhome.  And while many luxury RVs might seem like glamping to some people, it is really far more than that.

Glamping has become a novelty market in places like fancy hotels in New York City where you can "glamp out" on a terrace.   You still have full access to room service, indoor plumbing and electronic entertainment and communications, but your "bedroom" is an elegantly appointed tent on the veranda.  Of course if the weather turns bad or just find you're not enjoying it, you can always go back inside.

Glamping is probably not something most families would or could do without outside assistance.  You are more likely to make reservations to "glamp" at a luxury hotel, but you might go glamping anywhere, provided you have the support resources to set it up.   Perhaps if you already have a well-trained and dedicated domestic staff you could have them orchestrate your glamping trip. One image of "glamping" that comes to mind is the tent of the English Lady in the movie "Hildago" and the elegant setting for offering Hildaldo tea.   You might begin to approximate your own glamping experience by upgrading standard camping equipment to greater luxury.  The large (queen or king sized) air mattresses with electric pumps might provide you with a far more comfortable bed than a standard sleeping pad or camp cot.  A large, mulit-room tent with a private bedroom where you can indulge yourself with silk pajamas might add to the ambiance.   To get the most out of a full-on glamping adventure you'll need room service, or something like it, to deliver your meals and snacks and other refreshments in a timely manner.  Perhaps some fairly mature kids could give their parents a bit of a glamping weekend by performing those services for them.

Home made glamping is made easier if you have a luxury RV.  You don't need any special tents or special bedding, just use the comfortable queen or king size bed in the private master bedroom of your RV.  Meals and snacks are more quickly and easily prepared in the fully functional galley of most RVs than in a primitive camp.  Some purists might consider any form of RV camping as glamping, but they would be overstating it.  Perhaps you could consider RV camping to be glamping if all the driving, setup, cooking, cleaning, etc. are handled by a chauffer, butler, cook, and maid but I have yet to see such an arrangement.  For one thing, why bother going out at all if you're going to keep the same level of pampering you get at home?  Part of the whole idea of camping (or even glamping) is to get out of your normal routine.   That being said, a glamping experience in a fancy hotel would be an escape from most people's "ordinary" lives and quite a treat for most people.

You might give yourself a taste of glamping by treating yourself to a nice steak dinner and a decadent desert instead of the standard burger or bowl of chili before retiring to the comfort of your cozy motorhome.   If you're a tent camper, be sure to upgrade to a queen or king size air bed instead of sleeping on the ground.  For a safe "candlelight" experience try some battery operated LED tea lights.  They give off about the same flickering light as a single candle without the risk of setting your bedroom on fire.

Glamp out!

RV or Tent Living Large

Most of us have a tendency to think bigger is better.   Doesn't matter whether its a tent or an RV a car or a permanent residence.  Bigger usually means more luxury and more comforts and more prestige.  People tend to start out camping small, with a pup tent or a tent trailer, but after a few years, their "needs" and wants begin to grow.  When you are camping alone you can get by sleeping in a pup tent, but, as your family grows, a larger family tent will usually be more be comfortable and can be used for more than just sleeping.  A tent trailer offers a lot of amenities, but a big motorhome or travel trailer delivers even more luxury, comforts, and convenience.   A little tent trailer gets you up off the ground but a motorhome or travel trailer can deliver near residential services and conveniences anywhere you go.   If you've ever had to weather out a storm in a tent you'll appreciate having some kind of RV with solid roof and a nice, forced air furnace to warm you up!  If you have kids you will really come to appreciate having a TV to keep them occupied on rainy days and long trips.

But is bigger ALWAYS better?  Not necessarily.  A bigger tent is going to be heavier to carry around and will take up more room in your car, your trailer, and your shed or garage.  It will take longer to set up and to strike.   It will be harder to heat in cold weather.  It will probably cost more. One must weigh these disadvantages against the perceived comfort and prestige of using a larger tent. Larger RVs usually have more amenities, but may be limited on where they can go.  Some places have restrictions on length, height, and weight.   Bigger motorhomes don't always mean room for more people.  Many large, luxury, Class As are designed for just two people while smaller Class C's often have sleeping accommodations for 6-8 people.  Going from a Class C to a bigger Class A might actually reduce the number of people who could "live" comfortably in a rig.  And you can usually be VERY comfortable in a moderate sized RV.   If it doesn't come with all the luxuries you want, they can usually be added.  Big things like washers and dyers aren't usually very feasible, but many of the other conveniences found on high end rigs can be added to more modest units to improve comfort, convenience, and livability.   It is mostly a matter of cost.  The one thing that usually can't be added, is more room.

Bigger usually means there is more to maintain and keep clean.  A bigger tent or RV is going to take more time to clean and take more work to maintain.  Usually that will also translate into higher costs for larger accommodations.

Why would you want a larger tent or RV?   Sometimes, as families grow, they really need more space.   We started out with a Class B van conversion and it worked well for our little family of 4.   We even added an extra bunk across the front seats when our third child came along.  But as our family continued to grow we physically outgrew the little van.   If we were going to continue camping in an RV we clearly needed a bigger one.  The same thing can happen with tents, but you may have more options with tents.  One alternative to upsizing is to just buy a second tent.   That works pretty well when you have older kids who can and want to be in their own tent, but it may not work as well for families with younger children or members who need constant supervision.  A second reason for going bigger is probably more of a want than a need.  That is the desire for more "elbow room" in your facility.   You might get by for a while longer with the smaller equipment, but we all love our creature comforts, and even if you're not particularly claustrophobic, things can get cramped in camp when you put too many people into too small a space.  Sometimes the additional space is a practical concern, like having enough room to safely cook meals in an RV or having enough room to get dressed in a tent.   Larger tents are often perceived as more luxurious so we think we want them.  That isn't necessarily a bad thing, but we should always weigh the actual values, not just perceived benefits, versus cost and other factors that impact usage.  Remember, a bigger tent will take up more room in your vehicle, be heavier to carry around, and harder to keep warm on cold days.

If you are tempted to upsize your RV or tent, make sure you know what you are getting and that it will deliver the benefits you seek and you are aware of the additional requirements or restrictions it may bring.  Jumping to a large Class A when you need more beds for a growing family may be a big disappointment.  You may find transporting, setting up, and taking down a huge, heavy family tent is more trouble than it's worth.  On the other hand, if a larger facility meets your needs and satisfies your wants -- and you can live with the conditions that come with it -- by all means, go for it!  I must admit I look with a certain amount of envy at some of the newer "front porch" and "lodge" tents, but since my primary camping is via RV and I don't have a large family at home any more, those large tents would just be extra weight to carry around and extra room to heat.  If I were going to be staying in one camp site for an extended time I might have time to enjoy a bigger tent, but most likely it would just be more space to heat and keep clean!  BTW, we've never  been sorry we upgraded our RVs over the years.  Each upgrade was done with quite a lot of thought and research and whole lot of price comparison.

Prestige -- or at least the perception of prestige -- is sometimes a factor in upgrading.  But ask  yourself if you are doing it for your own benefit or to try to impress others.  Sometimes a larger RV or even a larger tent make people feel better about themselves, and that is certainly OK.  But if you find your interest in upgrading is mostly to impress your friends, it is a good idea to re-think it!   In most cases I wouldn't think prestige or ego should be a sufficient reason to get bigger facilities.   It could be a lot of expense without delivering any real benefits.   But, if you will really enjoy using a larger tent or having a bigger RV, if it makes it more fun for you, then go for it.   Only you can decide if the cost of going larger is worth the financial outlay and any additional effort or limitations your larger equipment will impose on you.

Before you go out and spend big bucks for a bigger tent or RV, invest some time researching  your options.   Check out bigger RVs at trade shows, at dealer lots, and among your fellow campers.   Make a list of potential upgrades so you can compare features and prices.  The same thing applies to upsizing your tent:  check out the options.  Make sure you know what you want before you blow big bucks on something that may or may not satisfy you for very long.  If you can, always try before you buy.  It may seem like a waste of money to rent equipment, but if lets you zero in on getting the right stuff without blowing your budget on purchasing errors, it will save you money in the long run.

Many of us have become accustomed to saving money by buying the "giant economy size" offerings and case lots at supermarkets and warehouse stores like Costco and Sam's Club.   That may make sense when you have appropriate storage for them at home, but when camping, in an RV or a tent, bigger is definitely not always better.  You need to balance the quantity of many products against their use, storage, and transportation.   A 50# bag of flour may be a good choice for your kitchen or pantry at home, but it is usually a lot more than you'll need for any ordinary family camping trip.  Buy or bring along sizes that match your expected consumption. Y ou may still be able take advantage of the price savings on bulk purchases if you simply re-package just what you need for each outing and leave the excess home.

Ultimately the best solution is "right sizing":   choose the RV or tent that is right for your current needs.  The same thing can be said for most of your camping equipment and even supplies.  Having a stove that is sufficient for your needs beats the heck out of trying to work with one that is too small and is inadequate for preparing meals for your family.  But having one that is too big is just going to take up extra room, add weight, and cost you more money.  The right size tent will fit your family without taking up too much room, being too difficult to set up and take down, too hard to keep warm, or adding too much weight.

Live large -- judiciously!

Hobbies on the Road

For some RVing or OHVing is a hobby all by itself.   For others, especially those who may be full-timers or spend significant time in their RV each year, they have other hobbies they may want to bring along.  For some an RV is the means to get where they're going to exercise their hobby.  RVs make good base camps for hiking, fishing, hunting, birdwatching, sight seeing, OHV riding, horseback riding, and rock collecting.

What hobbies can you bring along?  You are really only limited by your imagination and how much specialized equipment your hobby requires -- and how much room you have to haul it.  Some typical things people bring along include various kinds of sewing or needlework, jewelry making, music (especially portable instruments like guitars, banjos, and harmonicas), and wood carving. If your hobby is furniture making you may need an equipment trailer to serve as your shop and haul the lathes and other power equipment you use.  I have seen a few RV parks that cater to woodworkers and, over time, customers have built up a pretty complete workshop.  Things like stamp and coin collecting take up little room in an RV.   I would be a little concerned about security for high-dollar hobbies like these.  In the first place, I would minimize the exposure by not openly advertising my collection (security by obscurity).  Next I would invest in a quality floor safe to house my valuables, install an alarm system, and be sure to lock up whenever I have to leave my RV.

Some resorts and other destinations cater to specific hobbies.  The annual winter encampment at Quartzite, Arizona, is a jewelry and rock hound heaven.  I have read of resorts that have wood shops with equipment donated by customers or acquired through fund raising by selling products created there by clients during their stay.  Some resorts support various sports and games, like golf, shuffleboard, and pickleball by providing facilities and even sponsoring tournaments.  We had a small archery range at the resort where I worked as assistant manager a couple of summers ago.  Some locations may serve as a base camp for OHV trails.

Crafts of various kinds are popular pastimes for campers.   Because many crafts, like jewelry making and various kinds of needlework, require little in the way of bulky materials or tools, they lend themselves well to to semi-nomadic lifestyle of campers.  You might even find a market for your wares within campgrounds.

Music is a common hobby among RVers.   You will mostly find campfire compatible instruments like guitars, banjos, harmonicas, and tambourines but I've seen at least one couple that also brought along a bass fiddle to entertain their fellow campers.  Folk music and bluegrass music seem to most popular, with country music close behind, followed by pop music.  There are even special "break-away" guitars that fold up to be more compact for RV travel.  Or get a Martin "Backpacker" guitar.  The Backpacker is very compact but it doesn't have a lot of volume.  It is a nice option to entertain yourself in your tent, but probably not loud enough for a sing-a-long around the campfire.   Brass instruments and electric guitars aren't very common in campgrounds.  Synthesizers offer an abundance of sounds if you prefer keyboards and can sometimes be quite compact and easy to transport.  You will probably need a campground with electrical hookups or a generator to power them.

For some collectors, RV trips are hunting expeditions.   Since you are often traveling outside your normal stomping grounds you have a chance to seek out bargains in places off the beaten path.  That works pretty well for small collectibles like stamps, coins, dolls, books, records, etc., but you'll need to pull a big trailer if you're hunting for furniture or other large antiques.  Or come back for them or pay to have them shipped.   Sometimes it is cheaper and a lot more convenient to bring a rental truck back than to pull a big trailer all over creation and half of Georgia!   Some people may be tempted to use their RV roof as a cargo area.  This is generally not a good idea, especially for large or heavy items.  The risk of injury to people or damage to the items or the RV while loading or unloading is too great.   Carrying heavy items on the roof may damage the roof and could affect handling.  Having items exposed to the elements and sticking up where they might get caught on limbs or other low hanging obstacles is also a recipe for trouble.  It is amazing what people collect these days.  Old school lunch boxes, cereal boxes, dolls, toys, clocks, bottle-caps;  you name it!  If you have an interest in and knowledge of such items you may be able to find good deals on salable items as you travel.  Some people put their finds on ebay immediately and sell them while they're still on the road, sometimes paying for their trip and even turning a profit.  You may even be able to write off some of your travels on your taxes if your trip is a legitimate expedition to search for merchandise or buyers.

Camping itself is a hobby for some people.  Collecting and trying out new camping gadgets is always fun to do.   Scouring local stores or even garage sales for unusual camping items or bargains can be very exciting and rewarding.  Talking with rangers, camp hosts, and fellow campers enhances your knowledge of the area and adds to your camping skills.   There are lots of opportunities for creative camp cooking.

For some people shopping and bargain hunting is a hobby.   The proliferation of "Factory Outlet" shopping centers near freeway off ramps attests to the popularity of bargain hunting. Many advertise having RV parking.   Many times you will find special deals on clothing, household goods, tools, and camping gear.  There was an auto parts store near my parents' house that I liked to check out whenever we went for a visit.  I usually found some new hand tools at better prices than I ever saw at home.  Don't know what their secret was.  It was a small town so I'm pretty sure they weren't fencing stolen goods!  Which brings up another consideration:  if something seems too good to be true, it usually is!   If someone offers you something like a Rolex watch for $50 you can be sure it is either a fake, it is broken, or it is stolen!  Caveat emptor!   But there are rare exceptions.   Like a man who saw a late model Cadillac advertised in newspaper classifieds for just $50.  Since the asking price was way below even the salvage value that a junk yard would pay he was very skeptical but finally decided to check it out anyway.   He found the vehicle was in like-new condition, with no hidden history, accident damage, liens, or being a murder site or anything nasty like that.  It was clearly worth thousands of dollars.  Because so many people were skeptical or believed the price to be a misprint, he was the only one that showed up to actually look at the car.   Turns out the car had belonged to the woman's late husband, who, in his will, had directed that it be sold and the proceeds given to his mistress!   The savvy and understandably unhappy wife cleverly found a way to comply with his request without giving much of anything to the mistress.

Some people have hobbies they like to take with them when camping.   As you might  expect, some hobbies lend themselves to being incorporated into camping activities more than others, although you might be surprised at some of the options.   For example, woodworking usually requires a lot of special tools and a considerable amount of specialized equipment and plenty of room to work.  While those requirements are rather difficult to include in your personal RV, I have read of campgrounds that cater to woodworkers and have a fairly well equipped shop available for their use with machines donated by or purchased by regular users.  However most people who take their hobbies on the road with them choose activities that are pretty much self contained and for which all the necessary supplies and equipment can be conveniently pack in the RV.  Musicians take their portable instruments.  Most kinds of needle work can be fairly easily adapted for camping.  Scrapbooking is popular among some people.  Stamp collecting and coin collecting can be accommodated, but because these sometimes involve high value items  you may need extra security, such as a safe.

If you are going to take your hobby on the road with you, think about what special features, supplies, and equipment you may need.  If you need computer access for research, inventory, or bookkeeping, do you have an appropriate place in your RV to set up a work station?   If you need a place to examine items, do you have appropriate work space and adequate lighting?  If you need any special tools do you have them and have an appropriate and convenient place to put them in your RV? If you find you are deficient in any way, it might be a good idea to wait until you have things ready before you hit the road.   With a little creativity you can usually adapt your RV to accommodate your needs.

Some hobbies can also be a revenue source for RVers.  I've seen RVers sell hand made craft items and others who shop garage sales, flea markets, and 2nd hand stores for collectibles they can resell on ebay.  Reselling right away on ebay avoids the need to haul stuff around as you can usually package it up and send it via UPS or the USPS from almost anywhere.

Sometimes an RV can be a hobby of its own.  Certain traditional brands, like Airstream and Shasta, even have large owner clubs who foster sharing information and activities.   But even an "ordinary" RV can be a hobby to some owners -- customizing it, using it, improving it, showing it off.

Hobbies are fun!