Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Weather Watches, Advisories, and Warnings for Campers and Boaters

The US Weather Service issues several levels of alerts.   They may include watches, advisories, and warnings.  While many people think they are all just different names the same kind of event, each term has a specific meaning.  Watches mean conditions are right for the stated event to occur so keep watch.  A watch may be upgraded to an advisory when the probability of the event happening reaches or exceeds 80%.  A warning means the event is imminent or is happening.  For example, a tornado watch says conditions are right for tornadoes to form.  A warning means a tornado has actually been spotted in the vicinity.  You might compare the three levels of weather alerts to the three levels of evacuation notice:  1:  Get Ready, 2:  Get Set, 3:  GO!  In both situations the first level tells you to be extra alert to the conditions around you, the second level says you need to begin taking appropriate actions because the threat is more likely, and the third tells you something bad is happening NOW!

The stated mission of the National Weather Service is "Provide weather, water, and climate data, forecasts and warnings for the protection of life and property and enhancement of the national economy."  Although the mission does not specifically address the needs of campers and other outdoor enthusiasts (hopefully we do count under "life and property" and might be part of the national economy), their forecasts can be of great use to us -- if we understand and pay attention to the alerts!

Campers and other outdoor enthusiasts should know the meaning of these weather terms so they can take appropriate actions to ensure their safety.  Each type of alert has a specific meaning that you can use to prioritize your response.  All of them mean keep an eye on the weather!  Read more to see how close an eye you need to keep depending on the type of alert.

Weather Watch.  If you hear of a weather watch in the region near where you are camping, keep an eye on the sky, check radio forecasts regularly, and begin to make preparations in case you must evacuate.  A watch means conditions are right for the forecast to happen.  Start making plans and preparations for what to do it if/when it happens.

Weather Advisory.  If you get an advisory, you should immediately start preparing to evacuate or secure your camp site against impending weather problems.   An advisory means the probability of the event happening has reached about 80% or more.  At this point you want to be prepared to take shelter or get the heck out of there on a moment's notice.

Weather Warning.  If you hear a warning you should take immediate steps to either evacuate or secure your camp site.  A warning means the predicted event is imminent or has actually been seen.  This is when folks in tornado country head to their storm cellars.   A weather warning is similar to a Level 3 Evacuation notice.   Be ready to take action NOW!

You may get weather alerts on your phone or other personal electronic device, via radio (local stations or NOAA weather stations). be informed by a ranger, other law enforcement, or other local residents, or read about it in the newspaper or on your computer.  It is always a good idea to check weather for your destination and your route before leaving home.  Then, monitor radio stations en route and in camp and periodically check your cell phone if you have cell coverage in camp.  The more warning you have of an impending weather problem the better prepared you can be.   Good preparation can prevent damage in injuries while lack of preparation or poor preparation often leads to severe personal injuries and expensive damage to property.

It would not be prudent to go camping or boating if severe weather is expected where you are going.  Almost all trips can be rescheduled to a safer time.  Severe weather problems can quickly take the fun out of any outing and could turn one into a medical or financial disaster.  We once took a dirt biking trip to the Mojave Desert over the Thanksgiving holiday.  Weather was normal when we left home and in several years of our annual "Turkey In The Dirt" outings we had never encountered any unacceptable weather.  However, by the time we reached the dirt road turn off to our destination (about 150 miles from home) it had begun to snow and there was already 6-8 inches of snow on the dirt road.  Knowing the difficult, hilly terrain and rough condition of the dirt road to the camp site we wisely decided to reroute to a different venue that didn't involve such extensive off road travel.  By the time we reached our alternate destination the snow had slowed down and there was only 2-3 inches on the ground in our new location -- and our camp site was only a few dozen yards off the main road on solid, flat, hard-packed sand.  This was before we had weather on our cell phones and even before I bought a NOAA weather radio.  In fact, that trip was a contributing factor in acquiring a NOAA radio.

Keep a weather eye.  This saying, popularized on pirate movies, basically means stay alert while going about your normal business.  Wise sailors kept a "weather eye" on the sky so they didn't encounter surprise storms.  Still pretty good advice for anyone involved in outdoor recreational activities.   Even if you have good electronic forecasts it is still essential to keep an eye on the sky.  The sky above you is going to tell you a lot more about what is happening or going to happen than any weather report!

I subscribe to an emergency email service that delivers National Weather Service Alerts for my county.   It is a good way to stay up to date on potential weather problems that might affect us.  However, it is county-wide and our county extends literally from the mountains to the sea so we get storm warnings for surf advisories even though we are in the mountains about 1300 feet above sea level.  You can sign up at

Most published or broadcast weather predictions are for rather large, general areas.   Even many "local weather"reports tend be be regional in nature.  Local weather can be significantly affected by mountains and bodies of water.  Since both mountains and bodies of water are typical destinations for campers and other outdoor recreationalists, we are likely to be affected by very local weather patterns that might not be reflected in general forecasts.  Consult a seasoned local expert for the best idea of what to expect where you are at any given time.  Rangers, law enforcement officers, fire departments, and even owners of retail business, farms and ranches, can often be a good source of what to expect from the local weather.

Watch out!